Spoking with friends and other people, i'm looking that in my country the work situation is going down ( and not only this ).
Exept of some little groups, some kind of work like in factory or that kind of work in wich you have fixed time, or the owners of factory wich if they aren't at work it'll going on, all the rest....you gave free time and work.
All of them has a contract with 8 hours a day or 4 if you are part-time. But, all of them always stay at work more of this hours, during december no day stop because all shops are open. Yes, because the director ask you ( but is not ask, is taxation ) to stay, you sign the more hours and at the end of the month they gave you 10% of what really you need.
The point is, ok, there are a lot of countryes with more problems, where you work more for less, but here politics alwais talk about " rigths to all the people " " more time for family" ecc when, in reality, the big companies in fact exploit the people.
This, you translate in a lot of stress, and the reports to each other, to the man who is buing fruit from the seller, are not good, alwais with not much respect. I'm looking that all the people are thinking to himself or to his little group ( his family for example ) and the relation with the external is alwais compared to have a beneficial to himself.
Think to a large scale....
Uh, yes, well, if you could "take it easy" there is not much problems because you.."take it easy", but the director put over you a lot lot lot of stress, they alwais tell you " DO IT FAST AND WELL ". It happens every day all the time.
Then, the cost of the life becames very hight, and the most of the people ( 80% ) don't end the month with his salary. The most of the people are living with the help af the parents, who don't have this help, live day by day. So, now here you can buy everything a rate, from the car to the tv, from your mobilephone to your ...spending at the market.
Want buy home? If you are alone, 40 years mutual with 50% of your salary to the bank. ( And think that here a pair of jeans cost the 10% of your salary) If you are 2, little more easy, but a life with no extras.
I remember that in past only the man works for his family, the lady was at home thinking to grew up the childrens....
Now, is impossible. Because you can't afford to yourself.
At the end, i ask myself why don't came out a revolution.....
Because you have to work in the shop, there is no time to do it.
3 commenti:
I'm feeling the same from this end...
about italy or malaysia?
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