giovedì 24 maggio 2007


I had some problems in my back.
Is a lot of time that i had problems in my back, but when i go to hospital they ever told me " take this pill for some time".
Ok, i took it, but it only felt me good a little, then the problem return out.
Last day one client told me " go to that doctor, is a chiropratic, he study and know very very well the back, and i had very good treatment."
When i went to him,  when i went inside the study, i really had the sensation to be in the rigth place at the rigth time. And when i tolk to him i really felt happy to be there.
Now i've to do a treatment for around 6 month, 2 time a week. Is a slow slow treatment to return straigth my back. Then, to maintain it, i've to do for all my life. Ok, could be only once a month, but everything that happen in my life could gave problems to the back, from wich all the nervous sistem start.

Chiropratic is very interesting, i suggest to all to make a search in internet to learn more.
Is really an help for your body, life style, and to learn to understand when your body "ring a bell" because you are doing something not good for it.

1 commento:

Moonfish ha detto...

I hope this guy will make you well. Sue has back problem too, and she has been seeing a lady who does Chiropractic, although it sounded more like massage. But Sue doesn’t have the discipline to go regularly so her back did not recover properly.

TVB, wishing you well.